Monday, March 23, 2009

My sister recently recommended me a book. It's a very rare and odd thing coming from my sis since she hardly reads and doesnt like to. So anyway, this book is titled Love Story by Erich Segal. I'm still in the midst of completing it but before i could reach the last page, i think i have fallen in love with the story - how it's so intelligently written. Apparently, there used to be a really old 1970s film about it and my mom says it is one of the very romantic films. I guess i know where is she coming from. Just loved the witty retorts. So captivating. (: For once, my sis made a good recommendation. hahaha.


"Listen, i need that goddam book"
"Wouldja please watch your profanity, Preppie?"
"What makes you so sure i went to prep school"
"You look stupid and rich" she said, removing her glasses
"You're wrong," I protested. "I'm actually smart and poor"
"Oh, no, preppie. <em>I'm smart and poor"
"What the hell makes you so smart?" I asked
"I wouldnt go for coffee with you," she answered
"Listen - I wouldn't ask you"
"That," she replied, "is what makes you stupid.<br />

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